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This is my Poem for suicide awarness day. 
It may not be good and you may not like it, but this is my tribute. 

I sit here, waiting,
For my life to start moving.
It doesn't. Why?

I can't take the pressure anymore,
It's killing me inside.

There's too much hurt inside.
Everyone I love, left.
I can't trust anyone. Why?

I see the knife,
It's staring at me, beconing.

I grab it, place it to my wrists,
Tears flood, screams start, my wrist drips.
It gushes around me. Why?

I lay there, weeping,
The blood pools at my feet.
It doesn't stop. Why?

I close my eyes, drifting away.
I see the light, I'm happy.

The people's harsh words fade,
They don't hurt anymore.
I'm.Free.At.Last. Why?

Why? My mother screams,
Why? What have I done? She sobs.

Why did I do this? Why?
I've lost her, I've destroyed her.
She's drowning in sorrow.
She blames herself. Why?

It wasn't her, It was them
They drove me to it.
I couldn't take it.
The pain was too much.

They miss me? Why?
I thought they didn't care.
They didn't... Did they? Why?

What have I done?
This isn't freedom,
This is a nightmare.
I should have gone for help.
I didn't. Why?

I watch down as my mother drinks,
My bestfriend cuts, blaming herself.
I didn't want this. 
Why did I do it? Why?

People forget how far the ripples of our actions go.
You may think suicide is the answer, It's NOT.

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This is my Poem for suicide awarness day. It may not be good

16 faves · 8 comments · Sep 10, 2012 12:27pm






crazyMCRfangirl · 1 decade ago
aww this made me wanna cry
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FindingTheBrightside · 1 decade ago
Thanks :) I honestly didn't think I could :0
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YourFairytale · 1 decade ago
Psht... and you said that you couldn't write poetry. x]
It's awesome :]
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queenmarie · 1 decade ago
Amazing. I love it.
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FindingTheBrightside · 1 decade ago
Thanks you so much for the comments and faves. I wrote this yesterday, its reminds me that there are people who love me when I'm feeling down and alone. Sometimes I feel like the persona at the beginning of the poem, but the people I love always pull me through the bad times :) This is my opinion of what it would be like, if I had done anything to myself to make the pain go away. As much as it seems like it is, suicide is never the answer. Remember that :)
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desilove · 1 decade ago
* love this

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desilove · 1 decade ago
I read this and I'm all but in tears. This is very heart felt. I alone this
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Fading.From.Reality* · 1 decade ago
That poem is truly beautiful. I was close to tears, and I really felt like you captured this depressed, lonely person. And now I know how scary the thought of suicide Is. I feel like I was there with this person and that I could have done something for her, but i know i never could...
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