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Nobody Can Know
Chapter 15 Bree P.O.V.
We arrived at a large house, with blue shutters and a bright yellow door, there were beautiful flowers surrounding the wonderful white house.
"I'm not going in there, put me down" I yelled
"What?" Conner said startled
"You heard me, I'm not going in there, put me down, now" I demanded
"You cant walk though" Conner said austonished
"I dont care, I'm not going into another house where I could get killed" I murmered
"You need help, help my sister can give you" Connor began to put me down. I winced at the movment
"Liv!" Connor screamed
"Hey connor glad your-Oh my god what happened" A girl with the same hazel eyes as connor and red hair walked out
"This is Bree and she needs your help, no time for explainitions" Conner took me in the house and set me down on a red sofa. Everyone except the red headed girl left the room. She pulled out a first aid kit, she wrapped my ankle in a fabric wrap, then she pulled out a needle to give me stiches.

Zach P.O.V.
"Can I get introductions of you five please?" Connor put a new shirt on.
"I'm Emily" Emily grinned
"David." David nodded once
"My nane is Kaelyn" Kaelyn smirked looking connor up and down
"Andrew is the name" Andrew smiled at Kaelyn
"Thats Zach, hes a little worried about Bree" Emily smiled
"Yeah that and I dont like you" I spat
"You dont like me?" Connor smiled "Good, cause' I dont like you eaither"
"Good" I smirked
Bree hobbled into the room grinning
"All better" She grinned
"You look great" Connor smiled
Bree gave him an odd look, but shrugged it off.
The red haired girl walked in with a man following.
"Guys this is,my sister Olivia, but we call her Liv and her husband Joshua"  Connor said
"Liv stiched my cut up, and wrapped my ankle" Bree smile "Thanks again"
"No problem sweetheart"  Liv smiled
"Bree, can we go to the other room for a sec" Connor asked seriously
"Sure" Bree followed Connor to another room
They were gone for like five minutes, when they came back connor gave me a smirk and Bree was grinning.

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Nobody Can Know Chapter 15 Bree P.O.V. We arrived at a large

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