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Nobody Can Know
Chapter 12. Zach P.O.V.
"What the hell are we doing" I hissed
"Trust me" She spat
"Can we talk" I whispered
"Now is not the time" She looked forward, she looked discusted
"We are here" Bree announced
"Three hours forward dont stop" Bree shoved Micheal forward gun pointed at his head
We watched Micheal walk into the city until we couldnt see him anymore. We turned around and started to walk in silence but Danielle broke the silence.
"Let go of me, its not like I have anywhere to go"
She tried to pull away, but i grabbed on tighter.
Danielle turned her head to look at me "Zach, please"
I looked away, she looks and sounds to much like Bree
"Stop" Emily screamed "Don't try doing that to him, or any of us! Just shut up! We all hate you!"
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"I-" Danielle started
"You betrayed us! You lied to us! Your not an orphan! You have a father!" Bree screamed
"I-I have no one" She continued quietly
"You have a father too" Danielle whimpered "you all do, John would be more than happy to take you all in"
"Hes trying to kill Bree" Emily screamed
"No hes not" Danielle protested
"He stabbed her" I cried out
"Micheal was watching, John was trying to hide the fact that he wasnt working for Micheal" Danielle sobbed
"We will find a real family, but not with you and not with John" Bree hissed "We are all staying together without you"
"John is your real father" Danielle spat
"I. Dont. Care." Bree said each word seperatly
"DAD!!!!" Danielle screamed
John walked out from behind a tree, and Bree screamed and pointed the gun towards his head
"Sweetheart, please, let me explain" John held his hands in the air
"No, you almost killed me, I want you to leave, and take your ONLY daughter with you" Bree grabbed Danielle by the arm and shoved her at John.
"Bree, Ive been looking for you since you and your mother left me" He whimpered
"I dont care" Bree hissed "Just leave us alone"
"Dad, just leave them. Micheal is on his way to kill them anyways" Danielle smiled
Everyone excet Danielle got a horrorfied look on their face.
Johm grabbed Bree by the wrist and pulled her along, she didnt fight back shes to weak. We all followed scared of what John might do, he took us to a small cottage, where a little boy about the age of nine was standing.
"Dad where are we?" I heard Danielle gasp
"your home" He smiled

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Nobody Can Know Chapter 12. Zach P.O.V. "What the hell are

1 faves · Sep 8, 2012 2:11pm






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