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I believe in Miracles... 

years ago there was a boy in my school with terminal cancer. He lived with that for a couple of month, we prayed for him everyday, since the day one, until the last one. One day, during school, his mother called, we didn't know what to expect...The principal told us to go to the auditorium, that he got something important to tell us about this guy, when we were finally there he looked at us, and just say: "He is cured, the cancer disappeared, mysteriously, he is okay..." since that day, I believe in miracles, because God is always there, listening and protecting us...

"The most wonderful thing about miracles, is that they sometimes happen...
Gilbert Keith Chesterton ~

true story // nmf
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I believe in Miracles... years ago there was a boy in my school

179 faves · 1 comments · Sep 8, 2012 1:08pm






t1t4n1um · 1 decade ago
This gave me goose bumps , this is so amazing. <3
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