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I miss my best friend
from freshmen and sophomore year. I want him back more than anything. He's what
helped me through a lot of stuff need that back now. I know that I am now without
him and I thank him so much for that. I just need my friend back that would cheer
me up without even knowing he was doing it. My friend who would talk to me ever
chance he gets. But I'm the one who messed that up and I don't think I can ever
forgive myself for hurting him the way I did. Things have changed and I don't like
it. I would go back in time if I could and do any possible thing to keep him as my best
friend. I don't want more than what we had, I just want my best friend back. But now,
I'm never going to get that person back. He's gone through to much to be the same
as before. So this is my realization that I'm not getting my best friend back. This is my
goodbye to the old him. I just wish I could tell this to his face..
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I miss my best friend from freshmen and sophomore year. I want

5 faves · 1 comments · Sep 5, 2012 10:24pm





break up

PoeticAcid* · 1 decade ago
happen you will lose a bunch of friends in high school. the best one you have will stay true, but you will met even better ones.
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