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Wittian Love
Chapter 24 (Last Chapter)

....The next moment, is,well...frustrating. He just kissed me! How rude! But...FINE! I WILL ADMIT! He was...a good...first...A GOOD FIRST KISS! You happy now!?

Well, I am too!...just a little bit. But hey! We both know that I am not willing to admit that, I'm a very stubborn nerd.

"Why'd you do that!?"
"Says the girl who just went with the kiss" He smirks at me
"Shut up! I did not!" I turn away to hide my embarassing red cheeks
"Hey, Am I your first kiss?" He teases
"Ah, so I am!"
"I'm going home!"
"You can't go home!" He whines
"Why not?" I questioned, a mad face disguising all my embarrassment
"Because" He pulld me close to him, and cornered me in his arms "You obviously like me back, and now you're my girlfriend" He added
"Obviously? You didn't even try to justify your confession!" 
He chuckles, I keep a straight face

"Even though you keep admitting you're a nerd, you've just made yourself look so nerdy by saying the word 'justify' I mean, who says that?" He looks at me jokingly 
"Businessmen!" I stated bluntly, though it made him laugh even more "Just answer my question already!"
"Oh, right" He stops himself from laughing and then smiles at me "I wanted to know if you liiked me back, but I don't have the guts to just ask you, so I use the more cowardly way. To see if you would be curious enough to 'justify' it yourself. I was kind of scared since a few months had already passed and no sign of interest coming from you"
"IDIOT!" I slap him on the back of his head "I was terrified that you were actually just kidding on that confession!" I bury my head into his neck and hug him back.

"Idiot..." I whisper in embarassment.
"Yeah, I love you too" He kisses the back of my head, as I was still liking the warmth of the hug.
"Who said I loved you?..." I imply, but truthfully I was just being stubborn.
"You did, you nerd!" He lets go of the hug and kisses me again.

Let's just say I lost some of my stubborness at that point and went with the kiss a second time. When the kiss ended he grinned at me, I just punched him in the arm. 

"I'm going to post something for a while" Logan takes out his iPhone
"You're going to post our relationship on facebook?"
"Nope, on witty"
"You have a witty! Tell me your account I want to follow you!"

I may have been a little squealing at that moment. But when I heard that his account was the wittian that I admired the most I just had to say it!

"That's you!?" He nods while looking at me with the 'WTF' look "I love your quotes! I guess I know why now.." I smile at him
"What's yours?"
"'nerdypants_26'" I grin happily
"Oh wow, you're the follower that keep saying how much you relate to my quotes!"
"Yeah! But I also love those cheesy funny quotes you make!"
"Oh, those? Aaron made 'em. We kind of share the account"
"That makes sense, the format is completely different!"
"Why? Is the White and blue format I use too boring?"
"Maaybe!" I grin
"You're such a weird girlfriend!" He takes my hand and smiles at me, I smile back, widely since I didn't want the awkward silence. We both laughed as we walked into the sunset!

I'm kiddin, we both laughed as we walked into the grocery store, we were getting hungry and what better place to fool around with a shoppng trolley than a grocery store? Lucky us, the cashiers didn't mind, they found their job exhausting enough. We got caught by the store's security guard but since we already paid for the groceries (a.k.a. food) we rolled out of the grocery store WITH the trolley on.

Aren't we just the awesomest couple?

A/N: Fave if you read it! Comment about the end!
(No, seriously please comment about what you think of the end, is it fine? or did it make you laugh or grin like an idiot? SO I have something awesome to see when I get back from the one week no witty)

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Wittian Love Chapter 24 (Last Chapter) ....The next moment, is,well...frustrating.

6 faves · 1 comments · Aug 31, 2012 12:41pm






fakingasmile · 1 decade ago
I loved your entire story! It was awesome! Can't wait until you come back!
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