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Shattered Heart


Chapter Eleven
The rest of the weekend went by quickly. There wasn't any school on Monday because of Teacher Workshop. Surprisingly, there hadn't been any more problems with my mom or dad either.
When I walked into the school I heard the same people barking nasty words at me and saw the same people giving me disgusted looks.
I saw Aleeah at my locker and was able to plaster a smile on my face, even though I was dying on the inside.
"Hey!" I beamed. Aleeah grabbed my injured wrist and pulled me away from everybody. As she did so, my sleeve came up the slightest bit. I could see a small bit of the big cut, but she didn't seem to notice. When she released my wrist I was relieved, and I pulled my sleeve back down.
"Sooooo. How was your date with Kyle?!" She exclaimed.
"Aleeah," I sighed. "It was fine." I groaned.
"Fine? Just fine?" She questioned.
I pursed my lips knowing that she was right.
"It was good." I said rolling my eyes.
"Suurrrreee. Seriously, tell me about it." She breathed.
I explained my date with Kyle to her and she was practically hopping up and down like a rabbit.
"Ooooooooooh! He so digs you!"
"I doubt it. What's there to like anyway?" I asked crossing my arms. Aleeah looked at me as if I had just insulted her hair.
"Everything!" She yelled.
"No." I shook my head at her.
"Yes!" She pushed.
"Aleeah, theres a lot you don't know!" I snapped. I didn't mean to, it just...happened. Her face swirled up and she once again took me by the wrist, but lead me to the bathroom.
"Like what!?" She questioned furiously. Her eyes started looking around, and found my wrist. My sleeve had been pulled up a bit, and she had caught sight of one of my cuts. She took her hand and lightly pulled my sleeve up to my elbow to uncover all of my cuts. Her jaw dropped, and she stared into my eyes, waiting for me to say something until I finally did.

"Like that."


I really am so so so sorry for not posting lately. You realy have no idea how bad I felt when I couldn't. School has stared and stuff has started to come up in my life and fitting in witty is just really hard.
I wanted to make up for not posting, so go read the chapter thats after this, it is already posted!
Comment asking to be notified for the next chapter if you want to be.
I adore every single of my readers, the fact that you found this story and decided to read it just really makes me smile. So thank you.

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Shattered Heart Chapter Eleven Haley The rest of the weekend

9 faves · Aug 30, 2012 4:28pm






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