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Seriously this time - 20 FAVES or I will not go on.
The prologue had over 60 faves, so please fave!

chapter 4

It was three in the morning and I was still waiting at the station for my dad.
I was sitting on a hard, wooden bench, holding a hot cup of black coffee in my hands, resting on my lap.
My dad should've been there by now. He had said he was an hour away.
The underage drinkers had already been bailed out by their parents and left.
The only one still there was me, and I hadn't even had a drink.
I felt like asking someone if they knew where my dad was, but I didn't.
Several minutes pass as I'm still in the station, twiddling my thumbs, sipping the bitter coffee, and listening to the clicks of an officer typing across the room.
The door finally opened. It was a woman in a police uniform and an overwhelming bright red lip stick. Disappointed, I sighed.
She walked toward me. "Kendall Vaughn?" She asked. I nodded. "Could you please come with me?"
I stood up and followed her into the questioning room I had already been in tonight. I tried not to groan, I had already told them all about the party.
I sat down at the table across from the woman.
"Miss Vaughn," she started, glancing down at the floor. She sighed, closing her eyes for a  few seconds, then opening them to resume eye contact. "I apologize that I have to report this, but your father was in an accident." She paused once again to sigh. "He didn't make it."
My eyes stared blankly into hers. Was she lying? It had to be a joke.
"I am so sorry," she said sincerely.
My face was as straight as a brick. This was all a dream. A bad dream. That's all.
She kept watching me, almost confused about how I was reacting.
I sat there, silently, and expressionless. This was not happening. It wasn't real.
I stared hard at the wall and tried to replay the words she had said.
It took a few moments, but the horrible words finally set in.
My father was dead. And It was all my fault. 

Who read this? Please fave/comment.
 I will notfiy whoever comments for the next chapter, if I continue.


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Seriously this time - 20 FAVES or I will not go on. The prologue

15 faves · 2 comments · Aug 29, 2012 11:50am






gymnast123500 · 1 decade ago
plz continue. it doesnt matter how many faves you get. u have us. ur loyal readers. go into the 60 faves from thee proluge and get them to read!
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xodancechickaxo · 1 decade ago
notify me pleaseeee!!! :)
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