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I just want to tell the people who aren't appreciating Steve's hardwork, to shut up already. He has his reasons, and by the way, he works really hard. You're being so mean to him, all you guys do is complain. To those who do appreciate it, thank you, Steve must be really happy that there are still people that believe in him, and love his work.

Yes, this account is new, I made it in August, but I was only browsing through witty, in November 2011, I never felt the need to make an account until this year.  If you don't believe me then don't. I only checked on witty weekly at that time, because I loved reading the top quotes and was too stupid to see that it was Top 24 Hours.

Steve, I respect your idea on deleting the vent category. I have seen some people abuse it and just vent about how someone in their school was annoying them. It wasn't a quote at all. It was worthless. 

All of us wittians love how you can be so funny and silly, how you can be so nice, and most of all how awesome you are for making this amazing site.

We all love you, but there are some people who just don't appreciate your work as much.

Remember that, Steve. :)

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I just want to tell the people who aren't appreciating Steve's

10 faves · 1 comments · Aug 26, 2012 12:39am






MonochromaticIllusions · 1 decade ago
*Not August, July
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