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// Puddles in the Rain \\

Chapter 18

After 2 hours of driving, we finally got to the place where he wanted to go.
"The beach?"
He nodded and parked the car, getting out. As I stepped out, I wrapped my arm around myself, the cool air breeze of the ocean flying past me.
"Hey, come on."
Drew was already several feet in front of me, walking at a fast speed.
"Wait, Drew!"
I called out and ran after him, my feet sinking into the sand. He continued to speed up and soon I had to run just to keep up to be behind him. It was only when I saw what he made I stopped.
I looked around, smiling. It was a cabanna, and inside it was two chairs, and a table with a plate of cheese and grapes and crackers, two cups with some kind of drink in them, and candles surrounding the cabana.
"Drew, this looks amazing."
"It's better when your not in the rain."
He was sitting down in one chair and I walked over and sat down, looking around. He handed me the glass cup and I lifted it to my mouth and took a tiny sip, tasting wine.
"Drew!" I said with shock and impressment. He held his hand up and held one of his fingers to his mouth as if to shush me. I giggled and took another sip and lifted a grape off the plate and threw it in my mouth. Then I grabbed another one and threw it at Drew, watching it bounce off the side of his face.
"I can catch it this time."
He said, laughing and picking up the grape off the floor. I grabbed another one, then secretly grabbed a cracker and a piece of the cheese. He opened his mouth and I threw all three at his face, watching them miss his mouth and hit his face. I laughed and he picked up the grape and popped it into his mouth.
As he did that, I stopped everything and just smiled. I was acually happy. Truely happy.
I could barely speak, but my breath really stopped when he looked up and our eyes locked instantly. His golden brown eyes stared straight through me. It was if I had seen them a million times before, yet they still made me feel warm inside. My heart literally skipped a beat or two as these feelings came over me. When he laid down against the chair, looking towards the ocean, I did the same and closed my eyes.
The breeze was cool as it hit my skin, and I had goosebumps all up and down my arms and legs. I heard some movement, then felt Drew wram his warm fleece around me, leaving his arms on my shoulders. I felt so happy, so at peace. I felt protected by his touch, like nothing could ever hurt me, no matter how hard it tried. I looked out at the ocean, the blackness ending with the white little waves crashing onto the sand. We just watched silently, no word that could express the moment. I slowly was starting to drift and I closed my eyes.
Drew whispered. I tried to reply, but my mouth didn't open, as did my eyes.
I could feel him hesitating, but then I felt him kiss my head gently. I heard him walk back over to the chair and lay down, and I felt asleep, feeling that I, Fidelity Paige Oreat, was in love.

Authors Note: Sorry that this was a little late! Wanted to put it up yesterday but I was SUPER  busy. Hope you all enjoy! Feedback?

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// Puddles in the Rain \\ Chapter 18 After 2 hours of driving,

11 faves · 1 comments · Aug 24, 2012 10:28am






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