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everybody keeps telling me im fake. i delete all the comments and try to not let it get to me, but guess what... it does. this happend when i first got my witty and its coming back now. i put so much freaking time and so mich freaking energy into my page and my quotes and i guess nobody cares about that.. i miss witty when you could just beyourself and not get judged.. so im thinking im just bbettter off without this witty cuz it really affects me in my life so im thinking of getting rid of it? what do you think?

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everybody keeps telling me im fake. i delete all the comments

3 faves · 1 comments · Aug 22, 2012 11:37am






brooke_loves_josh_hutcherson · 1 decade ago
ignore the haters all they want is to make you feel bad and if they keep on doing it, tell someone like me because i care i hate it when i see people upset it makes me upset
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