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so here's the thing...
"experts" say the world will end on
12-21-2012, because that's when the Mayan calender ends. BUT, the Mayans hadn't come up with or heard of the idea of daylight savings time, which was invented and coined by Benjamin Franklin. Now if there was no daylight savings time, the world should've ended 7-8 months ago. So, we can all stop worrying now.

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so here's the thing... "experts" say the world

14 faves · 2 comments · Aug 21, 2012 10:35am






natsu · 1 decade ago
I just think that they thought the world was gonna end on 12/21/12 'cause they just ran out of room on the rock they put the calendar on.

Or, how my friend thinks it, they thought it was gonna end because that was the year the conquistadors were gonna kill them all take over their land, which would be /their/ end. ...Except that conquistadors came much sooner than expected.
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InOneMoment · 1 decade ago
also the romans invented the leap year waaaaay after the Mayans...
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