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Time To Vent :
August 17, 2012  10:15 PM became the best dayof my life. I did something I've never done before, I lost something important to an amazing guy. I fell in love with him in a week, and i know there was something between us, for the first time i gave all of me to a guy. We we're eachothers first. It was magical, it was special, i don't regret it. He was like the guy i had been dreaming and waiting for my whole life and i finally found him. He turned out to be the sweetest guy i've ever met, my Prince Charming. Even three days later he continues to be the guy who keeps a smile on my face, even though were two hours away from eachother I feel extrememly lucky. He respects me, he's kind, he's hot, he's funny, he does soo much for me. He says im special and he really likes me but in the back of my head though i still second guess whether he does, soo should i believe him?


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Time To Vent : August 17, 2012 10:15 PM became the best dayof

6 faves · Aug 20, 2012 5:42pm






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