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I think I might have depression. 
A lot has been going on in my life right now, and it's so hard on me. My dad is in jail and my mom isn't exactly the nicest, and we're loosing my house. We're pretty poor now, and since my I don't really have a dad anymore and my two little brothers are too little to stay home alone, my mom can barely work anymore. I cry all the time about the stupidest things. Yesterday I had a really great day with guy I liked. I got my first kiss, but he's a lot older than me so it probably meant nothing to him. I really love him, I do, but it doesn't seem like he likes me. He's been ignoring me all day. I cried a bunch of times today because I miss him and I don't know when and if I'll see him again. My friends all keep getting mad at me and I don't know why. I looked up the signs of depression today and I have a lot of those signs..today I took a knife and felt like cutting for the first time, but I didn't. I don't know what to do anymore, and I feel like I can't go on. I'm sick of trying and tired of crying and I don't think that I can do this anymore. 

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I think I might have depression. A lot has been going on in

5 faves · 5 comments · Aug 20, 2012 3:46pm






girlztalk · 1 decade ago
Self-harm is not the way to go. I have seen many people go through depression and try to hurt themselves. They ended up regreting it and I know you will too. Things will get better, I promise. Just stay strong. You have so many people who love you, even if you have no idea who they are. Stay strong and hope for the best and everything will turn out okay. <3
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Dark_Swan_3 · 1 decade ago
aw, I'm so sorry you're going through this. But I think you shouldn't do any self-harming. It's not the answer. I know things are tough for you right now, but you just have to be strong. I know you are, and I hope you get through this!
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JustAnotherWittyGuy18 · 1 decade ago
it definitly sounds like you do... stay strong and don't start cutting once you start its like you cant stop... if you need anyone to talk to, im here :) and ive been through a lot and i can like at least be there for you to vent to, i dont judge either, if you want to, we can chat :)
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StayingStrongForever · 1 decade ago
It sounds like you do. You should talk to someone, I'm here for you, I haven't been through the family stuff, but I've been through a lot of stuff.
I have very bad depression issues and I never talked to someone. I use to cut, don't do it, please.
If you need anyone to talk to, come talk to me. <3
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celestialerror* · 1 decade ago
My advice is to talk to someone. A professional, if needed. I'm in therapy and it's not really life altering, but it's nice to not have to keep everything inside.
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