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Ok  I found my self wanting to do it again after all the drama the yelling and screaming the thought my friends may hate me after I had to put them trough me movin and not ending up moving for the second time I dreaded the day sence feb. my dad is starting to act more like my mother and I just didnt know what else to do I picked up the blade and then.........….………I threw it because I thought what good would it do me it's not gonna change a thing not one and now I don't know how I'm going to face everybody and then tell them again I'm moving in a year because that's what my mom wants and I cant just keep it all in me I just feel everyone will hate me for it but then think well if I don't tell anybody and just show up what would happen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Ok I found my self wanting to do it again after all the drama

1 faves · Aug 19, 2012 10:04pm






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