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OneDirection Imagines
~ Personal imagine for 0xandie0x~

You were walking the very lonely streets of Ireland when all of a sudden you heard a voice that sounded like angels coming down from heaven. You needed to find out where it was coming from, so you followed to sound around the corner. There, you found a boy, no older than 17, playing guitar. He had crystal clear blue eyes and bleached hair. He looked and sounded absolutely incredible. When he noticed you had been staring at him for a bit, he looked up and stopped singing.

"May I help you?" He asked, very smoothly.

"Uhm, well I'm sorry for staring, but your voice is absolutely incredible! Have you ever thought about auditioning for something... like the Xfactor?" You stammered out quite quickly. He chuckled a bit before answering,

"No I haven't really, I'm pretty shy when it comes to singing." You were absolutely shocked!

"Why though? You're very talented! When you're there, just pretend your back on these empty streets and you'll do fantastic!" 

"Well, maybe I could... but only if you'd come with me!" A grin broke out across your face.

"I'd love to!" You two exchanged numbers and your relationship grew stronger eachday. About a month later, Niall and you went to the xfactor auditions and he made it through. As soon as he came off stage you ran over to him and jumped in his arms.

"Niall, I told you that you could do it! I'm so happy for you!" You squealed excitedly

"I would never have come if it weren't for you, uhm... Andie... will you be my girlfriend?" Niall asked. The question shocked you a bit, 

"I'd love to, Niall!" He smiled and pulled you in for a long kiss.

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OneDirection Imagines ~ Personal imagine for 0xandie0x~ You were

11 faves · Aug 19, 2012 3:42pm






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