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My best friend told me I wouldn't have been put on this earth if I wasn't supposed to be, if I wasn't here for a reason.

And I know she wants me to believe it, and I know I told her I would keep looking for my purpose in life...

But she was talking about God, and how he wanted me here.
But I've made mistakes.
Everyone has.
Everyone will.
So I'm almost positive if there is a God, he's made mistakes, too...

and maybe, just maybe, I'm one of them.
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My best friend told me I wouldn't have been put on this earth

1 faves · 1 comments · Aug 18, 2012 8:59pm





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Beatlelover44 · 1 decade ago
Everyone makes mistakes.
Except for God.
God made you. And you are perfect in his eyes. Yes you make mistakes, but that's okay because God loves you and he will forgive you every time you make a mistake. People make mistakes. Mortals make mistakes.
But God doesn't.
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