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Summer Love
A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 5
Niall's POV
I rang on Claire's doorbell. I was picking her up to go to Nandos. She opened the door. She wore a sequined tank and white denim shorts with silver sandals. Her hair was tied into a messy bun. "Wow. You look beautiful," I said with a smile. "Thanks," Claire said while blushing. I lead her to my car.
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When we arrived at Nandos, a few fans asked me to take a picture with them. They snapped a few shots and went away. After we ate Nandos, we went to the park even though it was at night. We went onto the swings. "This is the best night of my life," Claire said with a smile. "Mine too," I said. It was getting late so I drove Claire home. She kissed my cheek and went inside.
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Bree's POV

Harry invited me over to the hotel they were staying. I knocked on the door and Liam opened it. "Hi," I said. "Hey," Liam greeted me, "come inside." I sat onto the couch and caught a glimpse of the room. There was two king sized beds. In the middle of the room, there was a flat screen tv. There was a table full of food. This place was paradise. Harry came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me on my neck. "Do you like this place?" He asked me. "I love it," I said. Louis started jumping on the bed. "Weeeee!" Louis shouted. I giggled. "Where's Niall?" Zayn asked. "On his date with Claire," I said. The door opened. It was Niall. "Hey. How was the date?" I asked him. "It was great," Niall said with a smile. He grabbed a bag of Lay's potato chips and sat down on the couch. "You and your friends can come here whenver you'd like," Harry told me. "That's awesome," I kissed his cheek. I don't know how life could get any better than this.
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Summer Love♥ A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 5 Niall's

1 faves · Aug 13, 2012 12:26pm






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