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Summer Love
A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 3
The next few days, Harry and I were dating. He told me he was going to pick me up tonight at 7. We are going to eat at a fancy resturant. Just the two of us. My cell rang. I answered it. "Hello," I said. "Hey Bree, it's me Josh. I need to talk to you," he said with a serious tone. "Okay." I responded. "I'm coming over now." Josh said. He hung up. Well that was strange. A few minutes later, Josh was at my door. "So, what did you want to say?" I aked him. "Bree, I had a crush on you since the day I met you. I'm falling in love with you," he said. He leaned closer to me. "Josh, I don't know what to say," I said. "Then don't say anything." He kissed me. I quickly pulled away. "Josh! How could you! You know I'm dating Harry!" I screamed at him. I was so shocked. How could he do this. "Get out!" I yelled. He left. I was confused and angry. I'm not sure if I can tell anybody about what just happened. I guess I'll keep it to myself.
Harry's POV
I wanted to surprise Bree by going to her house without her knowing. I got into my car and drove to her house. I walked to her door with roses in one hand. I peered into the window to see if she was there. I saw Bree and Josh kissing. My heart shattered. I ran back to my car. I threw the roses on my car seat and drove away with a broken heart. I will tell Bree about what I saw on our date.
- ♥ -
Bree's POV
There I was, entering the resturant with Harry. He was quiet. A guy leads us to our seat. I sat down. As we were looking through our menus, I couldn't help but notice Harry frowning. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Why did you kiss Josh?" He asked me. "What?" I asked him. How did he find out? "I saw you. I was going to surprise you by going to your house. I saw you both through the window." He said with pain in his voice. "Harry, it wasn't like that. Josh kissed me," I explained to him. I told him everything Josh said to me. "I'm glad you told me. I'm going to take care of him," Harry said. "Are you two ready to order?" A waiter asked us. We ordered our food and finished it. We walked back to his car and he drove me back to my home in scilence. As we arrived at my door, he kissed me and he left. I thought about what Harry said at the resturant. I wonder what he ment when he said he'll take care of Josh.
♥Longer chapter ;) Please fave if you're reading. If you want to be notified, let me know in the comments c:
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Summer Love♥ A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 3 The next few

5 faves · 1 comments · Aug 11, 2012 10:54am






dramaqueen607 · 1 decade ago
notify me please! :)<33
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