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Summer Love
A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 2
The next day, I decided to call Harry so we could all hang out again. "Hello," He said through the phone. "Hi, it's me Bree," I said nervously, "I was wondering, do you guys want to swim at the beach with us?" I asked. "Sure, that would be great," Harry replied. "Okay, see you guys there at 4?" I asked with a grin. "See you there," Harry said. I called Jessica, Claire and Josh to see if they could come. They all said yes. It was 3:34. I better start changing. I wore my blue and white floral bikini. On top, I put on a purple sundress with my purple flip flops to match.
- ♥ -
As I arrived, everyone greeted me. "Do you guys wanna go swim?" I asked everyone. "Sure!" Louis screamed. We headed toward the ocean. We stripped off our clothes revealving our swimsuits and went into the water. Claire splashed water at Jessica. Then Harry splashed water at me. "Hey!" I said while giggling. Suddenly, eveyone started to splash at each other. People started to stare but we ignored them. Harry swam over to me. "Bree, from the moment I saw you yesterday, I fell in love with you. I had never felt this way about a girl before," Harry said. He leaned in and kissed me. I felt like I was in a whole different world. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I can't believe Harry Edward Styles just kissed me. I was speechless. "Let's go on the ferris wheel," Liam said as he interrupted my thoughts. We got out of the water and dried ourselves off. We put on our clothes and walked to the ferris wheel. We waited in line. It was finally our turn. I sat next to Harry. He held my hand. I almost died right on the spot. But luckily I didn't. I smiled at him.
Josh's POV
I looked over at Bree and Harry. They look so happy together. Bree will obviously choose Harry over me. I have no chance. But if I can't have Bree, no one can.
♥Please fave & comment. I'll try to write a new chapter everyday. If you want to be notified, let me know in the comments c:
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Summer Love♥ A 1D fanfic ♥ Chapter 2 The next day,

6 faves · 1 comments · Aug 10, 2012 12:54pm






amillionsecretsx3 · 1 decade ago
notifyyyyy please?
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