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i could say itwice



Macey and I wake up at noon and get ready to go to the hair salon. We apply our make up and I put on a pair of motivation yoga shorts with a tank top, Macey wearing something similar. We pound downstairs for breakfast and to my horror my mom has prepared pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes. My mouth waters at the sight, but my brain tries to protest. She sees the look on my face and rolls her eyes. 

"Now that you're at a maintainable weight, you can have sugary things every once in a while."

I give in too easily. I haven't had pancakes in forever, and my mom always made the best ones. I remember we used to have them every Saturday with my dad, and he would stack them ten pancakes high. I laughed and laughed at him, every time. And my mom would tell me to stop encouraging him, but I could see a smile sneaking on to her face. He would never finish the last bite though, he saved it for me. Then I would tell my mom I finished a stack of ten pancakes. And that's when she would start laughing. 

I faintly smile at the memory and dig in next to Macey. I limit myself to  five, which is pretty hard. 

"Come on girls, your appointment is at 1:30!" my mom scolds. We hurry into the car and are at the salon within ten minutes. 


We walk out confident and looking lovely. Macey has her hair curled into a high pony tail, mine in a sophisticated bun. with a few curls cascading down from it and framing my face.  When we get home it's almost 4:30, and the party starts at 7. We watch a movie for a while, then put our dresses on and do each other's makeup. My mom kisses me goodbye and then leaves for her hotel right as the first few people are arriving. People are coming! I connect my iPhone to the stereo and blast the music. Jace and John are the first ones here. I leap into Jace's arms, wrap my legs around his waist and kiss him passionately. He seems a little surprised at my outbreak, but pleased. His hands cup my butt and that's when I drop from him. 

"Uh uh uh," I wiggle a finger at him and he laughs.

Macey and John are - not surprisingly - making out against the wall. 

"At least close the door!" I yell. Macey's hand reaches out and shuts the door. 


There are a lot of people here, more than I invited. I smile, happy that people actually came.


feedback/fave/follow i might not be able to post tomorrow D: I'll try and post when I get back(: 


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8 faves · Aug 9, 2012 8:34pm






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