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me walking my dog at a normal time of the month: *uses that special voice for animlas and babies only* Go peepee. Yes i know, i saw that doggie too. Let's go, good boy. I love you! you are so cute!

*when we get home* You walked so good! I'll take you again later, baby puppy! Wanna cuddle?

me walking my dog at THAT awful time of the month: *uses that voice that is a quiet angry because I don't want anyone else that is in the public place to hear me* Come on! I really do NOT want to pick up your poop! Seriously? Stop pulling! Yes dummy, I noticed the people and that stupid pole that you dont need to pee on! I want to go home! As soon as we get home, I'm leaving you and going to buy chocolate!!!!!

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me walking my dog at a normal time of the month: *uses that special

0 faves · Aug 9, 2012 1:10pm




