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I want to go back to being young. I want to be my cute little self whose only problems are a stubbed toe and broken toys.I want to careless. I want to be silly without having to be called immature. I want to go back to the times when I didn't care about what I wore, to the times when swinging on a swing is what made me feel high. To the times where chocolate sticks were my cigar. To go back in time when everyone found me cute and beautiful. I want to be a bundle of joy that never had such huge problems. I just want to live without all the problems I face now. Because no matter what I do, I can never be perfect enough for anyone in my age.



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I want to go back to being young. I want to be my cute little

10 faves · 2 comments · Aug 8, 2012 6:52am






fakingasmile · 1 decade ago
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breezy_mac · 1 decade ago
I FEEL THE SAME WAY. Thank you for expressing my feelings in a quote. :D
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