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Dear You,

You gave me a bravery I have never known. You have given me courage and strength to fight the only fear I could not face on my own - the fear of love. I’ve watched every relationship I have ever known crumble to the ground when the foundation was shaken. No one attempts to fix what’s broken anymore, they just abandon it. I’ve watched it happen time after time, even in my own life. It’s the reason why I never believed in things like love, marriage, or forever. It was all a lie, a work of cinematography and poetic bullshit. But you changed that. You gave me hope. When I look at you I see my future. when I look at you I get a glimpse of forever. I still get scared, but as long as I’m with you I will always have that glimmer of hope.

So much love,


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Dear You, You gave me a bravery I have never known. You have

0 faves · Aug 8, 2012 2:14am




