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Unknown Words.

Chapter one.

Brittany's Pov:

It is a nice sunday morning, and I wake up early, not sure why. I try and think of some things I want to do today, but nothing is ringing a bell. I decide to text my best friend, knowing she isn't up yet but oh well. I think the plan for today is going to the mall! 

'Hey, Nikki wanna go to the mall later? My g-ma will pick you up' I text her.

As I wait for Nikki to get up, I start to get ready. I slip of my comfy shorts and tank. I get into a nice pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top.

I recieved a text, and of course it was Nikki. She had said yes! Yay! Now i won't have to stalk cute guys be myself... Did I just say that?! Whoops!

I go downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal. I eat cocoa puffs cuz they are one of my favorite cereals!

I then go and do my hair and makeup. I decide to leave my hair down, and straighten it. With my makeup, I try and cover my acne because I absolutely hate it! And I put on pink eye shadow... It even sparkles! Then eye liner.

I was heading out the door when I suddenly had the feeling.... Something magnificient was going to happen today!

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Unknown Words. Chapter one. Brittany's Pov: It is a nice

1 faves · Aug 8, 2012 12:51am






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