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"Hey, Lisa!" I looked up from my drawing only to see the star quarterback of the football team giving me his overly-priced smile.

"It's Leda," I muttered. I looked back down to my drawing and let my hair flop over my shoulders. 

"Right. So uh...whats up." I rolled my eyes and snapped my head up. "Just say it, E.J Snock" I snapped. He looked at me with this confused glance and shrugged. I let out a sigh of annoyance. "Just say what you want from me already. You never talk to me, no one does from the football team."

He shook his spikey hair and smiled. "I want to know what is on your agenda for Friday." 

"Why? Need a homework assignment done by Monday?" He rolled his eyes and placed his hands over my notebook. "No. I wanted to ask you out on a date." "Really?" "Yea."

I gave him the biggest fake smile I'v ever put on in my life. "Really?! Well in that case," My faced turned into a plain normal face followed with the most flat out "No."

"Oh c'mon. Don't be like that, babe." "DON'T CALL ME THAT," I snapped. "I'm not a pig that wants to see the winter snow." I can't stand when people give me nickanames.

"Alright fine, Lisa-" "Leda. You know if you want to ask a girl out, you should at least learn her name." I ripped my notebook from him, and I grabbed my pencil and walked away from him.

Why did he even want to be with a girl like me? And besides, any guy who had any REAL interest in me would at least know my name. I heard footsteps behind me and I automatically snapped. "Go away, E.J!" 

"The football player?" I turned around at the moment I recognized who that voice belonged to. "Oh, Josh! I'm sorry! I thought you were E.J." Josh was this really tall guy with chocolate brown eyes, a natural tan, and a sweetheart type of personality. He was my best friend, which is why I was so excited to see it was him instead of E.J.

"And yea I was talking about the football player. He tried to ask me out, except he didn't ask Leda out ...he called me Lisa." Josh kind of chuckled a bit and shook his head. "What a moron." "Yea I know. If you're going to ask me out, at least learn my name." 

"Yea, no kidding. Oh hey! Want to be the nerd herd again? I just got the whole Devil May Cry series on Netflix for the xbox." I smiled and nodded. Devil May Cry was our favorite anime series. We became the nerd herd when we watched it. Meaning we basically debated and fan...peopled over it.

Josh put his hand on my head. "I gotta go. May the force be with you." "Ok. See you at lunch?" He smiled and nodded. "Always! It's enchilada day anyway!" 

I giggled and we went our seperate ways. I was instantly put in a good mood...until I bumped into E.J..."Alright seriously? What do you want?" He smiled at me and got this wicked glint. "A date." "I have plans." 

He shook his heads. "With John?" "It's Josh!" I snapped.

"Right. Josh. Anyways, you got plans with him instead of me?" "Yes I do." He smirked and grabbed my waist. "You have till 1 to let me go. 3."


I dropped my books, elbowed the insides of his elbows, and flipped him on his back...oh yea did I mention I could fight? :)

I grabbed my books and stepped over him. I looked down as he was moaning and holding his balls.

"Good day, E.J."

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Awkward Prologue "Hey, Lisa!" I looked up from my

5 faves · Aug 5, 2012 11:43pm






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