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♥Love, Dance or Friendship?♥

Chapter 25
Last Chapter
Dakota’s POV
1 Year and a Half Later
This was it.
I heard thousands of girls screaming their hearts out.
We quickly got into our positions, Leo in a tube.
The curtains slowly lifted and the screaming grew louder.
Lights flashed and Leo's song started playing.
We danced as Leo sang.
I looked at my partner, Des.
He smiled at me.
When a couple songs were done we had a 15 minute intermission.
Backstage I quickly changed into my next outfit.
When I came out, Leo gave me a kiss.
Yes I was with Leo.
And Des?
He was my bestfriend.
He was more of a bestfriend then Ember ever was.
He was like an older brother.
Ember and Monika?
In jail for public intoxication.
And guess what?
No one wants to bail them out.
I guess my life slowly came to an undrama life.

Des' POV
My phone buzzed.
It was Ross.
Ross was my bilogical father, but I refused to call him my dad.
I treated him as an uncle.
After many different phone calls and test and stuff I couldn't even explain, I came to the conclusion that Ross was my dad.
And Dakota?
I soon realised that Dakota was more of a bestfriend, actually more like a sister to me.
Dakota, Leo and I were always hanging out.
We even lived on the same floor in an appartment.
''Places everyone!'' our manager suddenly yelled.
We ran to the stage and we got into our positions.
Leo's POV
My life took a sharp turn the year before.
Now it was stable.
I had an amazing girlfriend, and my bestfriend, Des, was more than I could ask for.
And for the question I asked Dakota?
She got the love for me, the friendship from Des and the dance that connected everything together.
The best for everyone.
My plan for this song was at one point the music would just stop and Dakota, would be facing the other way.
I would quickly get down on one knee and propose to Dakota, infront of thousands of people.
I sang and everyone danced and suddenly the music stopped.
I went down on one knee and Dakota turned around.
''Dakota you are the most wonderful, undescribable  girl I have ever met and I just have to ask you one question. Dakota, will you marry me?''
5 Years Later
Dakota's POV
I looked at the twins.
I picked them both up.
Leo took Jacob and I was left holding Lilian.
They were so small, only a little bit bigger than our hands.
Leo looked at me.
''I love you Dakota'' he whispered.
''I love you too''

Did you guys like the story??
I did(:
So leave some feedback for this story and
If your read our previous stories, let us know which ones you liked best(:
BTW the next story will be 'The Girl In The Cupboard'
so it will most probably be up in a couple of days(:
comment if u want a notification for the story(:


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♥Love, Dance or Friendship?♥ Chapter 25 Last Chapter

6 faves · 1 comments · Aug 1, 2012 9:54pm






cheeselover3 · 1 decade ago
hahahha yay their in jail lol srry but great ending it was great!! can i get a not. for the next story thx
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