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Chapter 11

 I woke up and kissed Harry’s for head gently, so he wouldn’t wake up. I tip toed to the kitchen and saw everyone already eating. ‘’Good morning’’ I said with a sweet smile on my face. Everyone said it back except for Niall, I didn’t expect him to. I ate something, and Harry came in said good morning and kissed me for a minute. I saw Niall’s eyes fill with jealousy. I felt bad… I don’t want to feel bad. I missed him talking to me though. But that wasn’t going to happen soon. ‘’Let’s go out to a club tonight!’’ Harry suggest. We all nodded. I was exited this was going to be so much fun! …….I thought . Alyssa and I both picked out cute dresses and when I was done with my make-up, everyone was ready to go. ‘’You look gorgeous.’’ Harry said. I blushed and gave him a small kiss. We were walking, Harry and I hand in hand. Then Louis rushed to the other side of Harry and grabbed Harry’s hand. ‘’ I know you guys are dating, but Harry is mine!’’ Louis almost yelled. We laughed Louis is so silly. We arrived and walked into the club. The club looked amazing. We walked to the bar and everyone ordered. But I only ordered some water. I wasn’t planning on getting drunk, I’m not really a drinker. And Liam apparently wasn’t too. ‘’Kylee, aren’t you going to get something?’’ he asked me. ‘’No I’m not really a drinker and you can’t handle all the guys and Alyssa on your own.’’ We laughed. When the rest was done drinking, we headed to the dance floor. We danced like crazy. After a while I go to the restroom checking my make-up. Surprisingly my make-up looked great! I walked out of the restroom and looked for the boys and Alyssa. Then something caught my eye, it was a sl//ty looking girl making out with someone. That’s gross, she only wants him in bed.  The boy has brown curly hair and green eyes…wait Harry?

dresses Alyssa and Kylee: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?.locale=nl&id=54839309


sorry for waiting so long ;)

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InTime Chapter 11 I woke up and kissed Harry’s for head

8 faves · 1 comments · Jul 31, 2012 5:04am






luv2flip910 · 1 decade ago
WOW!! notify me again please
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