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It takes one really big fall to know where you stand

Format: twilightgirl995

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Sometimes It takes one really big fall to know where you stand

273 faves · 2 comments · Jul 28, 2012 9:21pm






Mednez · 1 decade ago
I understand that beautiful! I care darling :) if you want to talk more about it, I can give you my facebook :)
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iLuvCupcakesBro · 1 decade ago
I know you don't care but.. I've always been that "popular" girl :/ And I used to be a really b!tchy one.. and then I had a big fall out with one of my friends who got because I was becoming more popular than her. So she found a way to make all my friends hate me. But all the people on the outside (not in the friendship group) all tried to make me feel better and took me in. That fall out made me realise so much about life.
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