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 part 09 // FabStories
    My jaw dropped and my knees uncontrollably trembled. I felt like collapsing to the floor, but a voice in the back of my head was shouting, think, Clarisse! 
     "Let's go!" Arielle yelled, Derek by her side. They were by the front door, ready to shove the door open. I realized they were talking and waiting for me to join them.
     I shook off my thoughts and jogged towards them. Derek grabbed my hand and squeezed it, my heart automatically starting to beat faster. We hopped in the car, and this time I took the backseat. My mind wandered back to the conversation between Drew and his father, thinking back to when his father claimed he was going to kill me. I was horrified by that idea; I admit I never knew much about him, but I didn't know that he would have the guts to kill me. For money.
     "So," Derek began, "Let's go over what we know. You're both here because Arielle wished for one last chance of confessing her love for Drew, who is Clarisse's ex-best friend. We know Clarisse's father murdered Arielle, and we're absolutely positive Drew's father is responsible for Clarisse. They were both working together, and apparently Drew's father was going to be paid for killing Clarisse. Am I right?"
     The whole discussion made my stomach curl up in knots. "You're right," I mumble.
     Arielle nods in agreement and we drive in silence. Derek impatiently drums his fingers against the steering wheel, and Arielle is busy thinking about things herself. I just shut up and clamp my lips tight to keep me from sputtering out curses directed at Drew's father.
     "So, how were you killed?" I blurt out.
     Derek perks up. "Me? I was shot two minutes before midnight."
     "Really?" I remembered I had noticed the time when I was shot. I was killed at 11:58PM as well. "Me too. Do you know who shot you?"
     He shakes his head glumly. "No."
     We arrive at the hotel, and almost immediately we spring into action. It was 10:37PM, so we had quite a bit of time before my death. We spot Drew's father heading inside the hotel, so we follow him.
     "Keep an eye on him," Arielle says.
     Derek and I nod and watch Drew's father flash a fake invitation to my party at the receptionist. She stupidly nods and shows him to the room. Arielle stays outside to watch for anyone else suspicous, so it's only me and Derek. He loops his arm through mine and we trudge towards Drew's father. The receptionist leaves when we're in the ballroom, and Drew's father trails over into a dark corner, completely concealed from others to see. He takes out his gun and clutches it tightly to his chest, glancing nevously around the room, which is starting fill up with more guests.
     I feel a tap on my shoulder, finding it to be Arielle. She blinks her blue eyes at me and says, "No one's coming. We're safe."
     "For now," I whisper. We were probably going to be killed again, but we were going to do our best to avoid it.
     "Why don't we kill Drew's father like we did with yours?" Derek suggests.
     I shrug, but I follow behing them as we approach Drew's father. I stare into his narrowed pale green eyes, and I know we're going to have to hurry if we're to kill him first. I notice the time, 11:32PM. It's still a bit too early before I'm going to die, but then we can kill him easier this way.
     "Let's do it now," I hiss.
     "We can't. We have to wait until it's the time of your death. Otherwise he won't die. That's why when we killed your father he could interact with us. He was able to see us, since you were his target. It's just the way things work," Derek replies.
    I groan and tap my foot on the tiled floor. Seconds seem to past as hours, and sweat is starting to pour down the back of my neck and palms. Every time I look at Drew's father, a small lump begins to form at the back of my throat, growing bigger each time. Finally, at 11:57, I break out saying, "I can't do this!"
    The clock ticked to 11:58, and Drew's father noticed me. He locked his eyes with mine and raced towards me, gun in hand. He was about to pull the trigger when Derek stole a knife from a dinner table and slammed it into Drew's father's back. Blood spurted out, and he dropped the gun to the floor. He collided onto the ground, his breathing heavy and fast. He managed to give me a death glare and whisper, "You'll never get out." Then smirked, satisifed, and closed his eyes.
     "He's gone," Arielle murmured.
     "But we're still here."
Liking it so far? I'm not sure I liked this chapter too much, so could you give me some feedback? Thanks!
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I know what's going to happen at the end, but I wanted to ask of something from you guys. I can't decide between how I should end it, since I have two ideas! I can either give you the happy ending, or the sad ending. Or, BOTH. The happy ending will be the epilogue, and the sad one will be the alternate ending!
What would you like?

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Living Death. part 09 // FabStories My jaw dropped and my knees

8 faves · 1 comments · Jul 26, 2012 3:47pm






LoveNeverEverEverDies · 1 decade ago
U could write both? But if the happy ending means going back to life then YES I want the happy ending!!
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