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Who Are You?
Chapter 17

Fortunately and unfortuantely, there's the death penalty in Virginia. Once the police arrested my mother, they took her and her crew to jail. Her whole crew got life to prison, while my mother got the death sentence. They brought us along for her beheadding.

There she is. Resting on the bench, getting ready for death. She looked at me with the same emotionless expression as always. I know she almost killed me, I couldn't let her be killed. I turned away as the blade came down on her.

It was over before it started. Yet, I feel like this weight is over. I can finally live in peace. Without being lied to, hunted, or the next expirement. I'm free. Those words were echoing in my head, I'm free. They filled me with happiness.

I was sitting outside in the grass of my house. Olivia came out.
"There you are."
"Here I am."
"Are you okay?"
"It's finally over. I'm enrolling back at school as my real self, I'm going to be living with you and your dad, and I no longer have to lie to my best friend."
"I really like that. Now, as I said before all of this happened, I need to get you a boyfriend."
"I already have one." She took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Hey lovebirds! Come on, dinner's ready!" My dad shouted to us.
We both got up and ran inside, hand in hand, laughing.

After this whole endever, I finally found out who I was. I am Xavier Grayson, and one day, I will achieve great things.

Who are you?
Something I don't ask myself anymore. My family loves me, my school likes me, and my best friend is now my girlfriend. Life, for once, is great. Once upon a time, my story, this story, has finally ended happily ever after.

(It's over. Booo. Should I write another? Well I might. Slim chance, though. Not a big fan on the new Witty and how things are going on Witty now, but if guys want more, I'll write more. What do you think of the story? Thanks sooooo much for reading. I'm hoping one day to be a writer, so all the positive comments are helping me. Thank you, again. Enjoy the hot weather, stay cool. I'm blabbing, sorry. D: Byyyeee!) 
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Who Are You? Chapter 17 Fortunately and unfortuantely, there's

4 faves · Jul 26, 2012 3:17pm






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