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♥Love, Dance or Friendship?♥

Chapter 23
Des’ POV
They called me up last to talk about my father at the funeral.
“Many people don’t remember their childhood to well, but I do. My mother being deceased, I relied on my father. I scraped my knee? He would rush with a first aid kit to fix me right up. He was my best friend. He took me to my first baseball game. When the ball came our way I tried catching it, but he did. The next morning I woke up with the ball on my nightstand. He gave it to me, even though he wanted it” I said as, I started tearing up.
“He cared for me. If I was sick he’d do everything to get me better. No matter how much I got him mad or how much I was in trouble, he still loved me. He always did. He supported me. My first dance audition he was in the audience cheering me on. If I didn’t make it he’d tell me “Don’t worry Des, you were too good for them, they were scared you’d outshine everybody else” That’s what cheered me up. He never told me I could do better because he knew I didn’t need to do better. I was better.  My dad was the person I could count on for everything. Everynight he would come and read me a bed time story. I’d fall asleep near the end, but everynight I’d still feel him kiss my cheek and whisper “Goodnight, Des” and I mean, everynight. In grade 2 I had a ‘Bring Your Mom to School Day’ I was scared though. I was the only one in the class who didn’t have a mom. The night before I started crying. Crying because nobody would understand. The next day my dad came. He said to me “I’m not there to pretend to be your mom, I’m there to support you as you tell everyone the story of how your mom was brave and she saved you” As I stood up infront of the class and told them how my mom saved me, they didn’t believe me. They laughed at me, so I started crying. My dad stood up, grabbed my hand and said to the teacher “Excuse us, Miss, but Des and I will be leaving the school due to the unacceptable behaviour of these little creatures” My dad cared for me. My dad did whatever he could for me to have the best life possible. My dad supported me. And that’s what matters most.” I said, finishing off.
Suddenly the doors burst open.
There stood my father.
People screamed.
“Stop!” he yelled.
People immediately stopped.
“Des, I heard every word you said. But that man was my brother, my twin, your uncle. Des, I am your father”

i was so mad with this
i wrote the chapter and then it got deleted and it wasnt in the editor
i was sooooooooooo mad
and the chapter was much longer toos
o sorry for the late posting.
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♥Love, Dance or Friendship?♥ Chapter 23 Des’

13 faves · 1 comments · Jul 26, 2012 11:02am






cheeselover3 · 1 decade ago
omg u make this so intense!!
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