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Don't Forget Me.

//Chapter 3 Pt.3\\

“Are you sure? Because you just passed the ice cream shop, you seem like you’re in a hurry to get somewhere.” He said, with those beautiful clear blue eyes staring into mine.
     “Yeah, I’m just scared. What’s going to happen when school starts, and I go off to Maryland for my arts school, and you’re here? With all those girls, who’ve known you since kindergarten? What’s going to happen when I leave?” I said, I don’t know why I had said this, it was supposed to be for my head only. Sometimes things just slip out and I just can’t stop myself.
     “Nothing’s going to happen, and nothing is going to change between us. Want to know why? Because none of those girls are you, and you’re the only girl that I want in my life.” He said, grabbing my hands and looking straight into my eyes. I didn’t know what to say to this, so I just hugged him and closed my eyes.
     “Come on; let’s go so we have more time at the fair.” He said, taking my hand, as we walked into the Ice Cream Palace.

~ I'd like to say, thanks to all the wittians who've put up with my whacked desicions about my story, I love you all! ~

nmf nmq

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Don't Forget Me. //Chapter 3 Pt.3\\ “Are you sure?

4 faves · Jul 26, 2012 12:22am






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