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When Yesterday Disappears
Chapter Seven

"Harry!" Liam stared at him in disbeleif.
"What?" Harry scoffed indignantly "She was upsetting him!"
"Hazz, she's his mother.  She deserves to talk to her son" Liam scolded gently
"Well, look at Lou!  He's all upset now."
"He was going to find out sooner or later.  He can't really live the rest of his life wihtout knowing he has a damn family, Harry" Zayn chimed in
"Yeah, but I mean look at him!" Harry said desperatly trying to prove his point.
I felt four pairs of eyes on me as I stared at the floor of the vehicle.  
"Lou, are you alright?" Zayn asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.  My body reacted immedaitly to the foreign touch by jerking away from him, pushing his arm away.  I felt my eyes bulging from my head in utter hurt and confusion.  How could they not say anything about my family?  Wouldn't real friends do that?  What is going on here?  What else should I know?
"Louis...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." Zayn trailed off, a look of hurt crossing his face.
"Lou, it's alright, mate.  We can call her back" Liam assured me.  But I didn't want to talk to that woman.  I didn't want to talk to any of them.  Its so hard not knowing anything.  Literally nothing about your life.
For some weird reason, this call with my 'mother' had really uspet me.  I couldn't place the feeling really, just upset. 
"Lou, please understand we were going to call her as soon as we got home so you could talk to her" Harry said 
"It's ok" I said solemnly, still staring down
"Louis, what's the matter?" Niall asked
"What's the matter?  What isn't the matter?  I just woke up to find I've been in a coma for a month and don't know a thing about my life!" I said in exasperation
"But we're going to help you with this" Niall persisted.  I just sighed and slumped down
"Wait, I just remembered something!" Harry said, excitment in his voice
"What?" Liam asked, clearly not too excited. Once again, zero emotion from that boy.  Nickname progress: not too far yet.
"If someone has amnesia, if they get hit on the head again, they might regain their memory!" he said, beaming around at us
After a moment of silence, Zayn and Niall cracked up, nearly at the same time.
"What?" Harry said, looking wounded
"So, what?  You want us to blungeon Lou on the head with random stuff until he remembers everything?" Zayn said, still laughing
This made me laugh as well, and soon I was light headed and a bit dizzy.  I looked up to see even Liam was laughing, though Harry did not look amused.
"Well, maybe not that, but it could happen.  What if he's walking through the park, and a branch falls out of a tree and hits him on the head?  Bam!  Insta-memory!" Harry explained, although I have no idea how he could keep a straight face.  
"So, we should just wait until something miraculously falls from the sky and bonks him in the head just right?" Liam laughed hysterically.
"Shut up, you!  You guys suck!" Harry whined and turned back to the window.  He looked so goofy pouting like that, that I chuckled and reached up adn ruffled his curls.
He whipped around to look at me, a huge smile on his face.
"What?" I asked, wondering why he was looking at me like that
"I've been waiting for a month for you to do that" He smiled.
"What, this?" I asked, pratically jumping on his and running my hands through his hair like a mad man.
"Yes, exactly!  You're the only one aloud to touch....the curls" he struck a goofy pose and flipped his hair.
"So, I usually do that?" I asked
"Only every 6 seconds" Zayn laughed
I just chuckled before realising the car had stopped. 
"Home sweet home" Harry said, climbing out of the vehicle, the other boys and I following
As we got to our door and Harry unlocked it, I stepped inside and a wave of emotion hit me.
"I...I know this place" I said.  Only the second thing since I'd woken up that seemed comfortable.  The first was Harry's eyes, and now our flat.  It nearly screamed 'you belong here'
"Really?  Like, it seems familiar?" Laim asked, excited
"Yeah" I grinned 
"That's great!" Niall said, and went as if to hug me, but then stopped.
"Oh, get over here!" I said, pulling him into a hug, and the others soon followed.  Hurray for man-hugs with guys I hardly know!

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When Yesterday Disappears Chapter Seven "Harry!" Liam

22 faves · 3 comments · Jul 25, 2012 11:06pm






sarahnorman · 1 decade ago
hurray for manhugs with guys i hardley know! lol
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mrslillyhoran · 1 decade ago
I love this story!!
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addieisohsosw33t · 1 decade ago
I lovee it! Haha another great story(:
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