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Who Are You?

Chapter 16

"Olivia what are you doing here?"
"Your mother found me and imprisoned me. I've been here for about 36 hours."
"I'm sorry. About everything."
"Me too."
"There's got to be a way out."

I search around real closely. I could see the air vent. It was big enough to just barely fit us.

"There. We can crawl through. First we must get these chains off."

I look around for anything I could find. I look at Olivia's hair and see a bobby pin. Perfect.
I try to get over to her. It took a bit, but I finally got to her by climbing over as best as I could. I get her bobby pin from her hair.

"Good idea!"
It hurt my wrists, but I finally managed to unlock my chains. Her turn. I unlocked hers.

"Thanks Xavier."
"Come on Olivia." I grab her hand and head for the vent. I climb in first, Olivia following me. We crawl down what seems like miles, until I hear. "Finally got him in my custody."

I think we weighed too much because we fell through. My mother turned to us and laughed.

She grabs me and tries to choke me. I reach for something to hit her. I grabbed a lamp and smashed it on her head. She fell to the ground unconious. I grabbed Olivia's arm and we ran.

"Where are we going?"
"To find my dad"

We ran through this psycho maze until I faintly hear, "Help!" We ran to it and broke open the door.
"Dad come on!"

He jumps up and runs with us. We continue running. My legs begin to cramp, but I kept going.

"I see a light! We're safe! Wait....oh no." We saw that the light sorce was an explosion heading for us. We frantically ran away.

"I see a fire exit!" We all burst through it and run into a grassy field. Once we were far enough, we sat down to rest. I see my dad pulling out a phone.

"What are you doing dad?"
"Calling the police."

I smile at Olivia. She was thinking the same thing as me. It's finally over.

I rest my head and drifted off to sleep as I hear the sirens fading.

(Is it finally over? There's still one more thing for the clan to do.)
~Spoiler Alert~ I know she almost killed me, but I couldn't her be killed. I turned away as the blade came down on her.

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Who Are You? Chapter 16 "Olivia what are you doing here?"

4 faves · Jul 22, 2012 9:07pm






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