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I can't take it anymore.
My BESTFRIEND and I are fighting about the most stupid thing right now. She basically called me a horrible b/tch who doesn't care about anyone. I mean after all we've been through... she actually thinks that? And SAID that to me? Like I did something that probably wouldn't bother anyone but her. Is it really that important to fight me about it? I deal with enough insults coming from people at school. I dont need her insulting me too. I just... I cant.
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I can't take it anymore. My BESTFRIEND and I are fighting

6 faves · 1 comments · Jul 22, 2012 12:13am






1live2love9laugh6 happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
Hey, I kinda know what that feels like because I have a friend who was actually my only friend other than my boyfriend, and he knew this, call me a b/tch and tell me he was sick of my sh/t and some other stuff, but we had been fighting a lot so it wasn't completely out of the blue.
Anyway, if you want to talk, comment on my profile? You can comment in this one, my story account or my other account, SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping. (:
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