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Dear witty and it's wittiens,
Wtf happened?!?!?! This use to be a place where people can come for help, if they have someone they needa talk to, or help cause they feel alone. We're peoples lives could change. But now it's all about One Direction this and One direction that! And all the stupid wars! Wow... It sure has changed! Witty use to be a place full of people who would make quotes about helping people and making them smile and make them feel like live is worth living! But now... It's basically just a One Direction fan base! And those few wittien that still give a damn and aren't obessingly quoteing about One DIrecton or with all the dumb wars and still make quotes saying you care and want to help and make quotes with accual MEANING!! Thank you for still giving a damn!!!

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Dear witty and it's wittiens, Wtf happened?!?!?! This use

6 faves · 2 comments · Jul 20, 2012 5:24pm






anna* · 1 decade ago
the new site format gives you the option to not see someone's quotes, steve actually made it cause of the complaints of the 1D quotes, lol. so that may help a bit with the dumb wars and all.
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Witty_Susan · 1 decade ago
Someone who understands!!
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