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Summer of Dreams
Chapter 11
The next day, Tracy and I decided she should stay for a week, so we moved up a matress to my attic bedroom.
"Hey, do you think you could show me those woods outside your house?" Tracy asked. I grinned.
"Sure, no problem." We left about a half an hour later, me with my camera and Tracy with her phone.
"Hey Maggie?" Tracy said as we walked to the woods.
"Do you think we went too hard on Trevor?" She asked.
"Nah, he deserved it. And what is he gonna do about it anyway?" I said.
She smiled. "Yeah." But she didn't seem very convinced.
A few minutes later, we heard laughter from the bushes.
"What the hell was that?" I said. Suddenly, Trevor and four other people popped out from the bushes, throwing rocks in our direction.
"What the f*ck?" Tracy shrieked, putting her arms up to protect herself.
"Trevor!" I yelled. "Stop it!" Him and his friends kept chucking rocks at us for a good five minutes, when they finally stopped. 
"Heyyy Maggie!" Trevor slurred. His friends laughed.
"Trevor, I swear to god, leave us the f*ck alone," I growled throught clenched teeth. 
"Why don't we just run away?" Tracy spat. "They're not worth it."
"Aww, now I'm insulted," he said in a mock tone.
"Shut the hell up," she said.
"What the f*ck are you gonna do about, wh0re?" He asked, a stupid grin on his face.
"Ok, c*nt, that's it," I yelled, and walked up and punched him in the face. He stumbled back a few feet, but stayed off the ground. He tried punching me, but I ducked out of the way. The thing that suprised me was when Tracy ran up and kicked him where it hurt, causing his friends to run away, their mouths hanging open. Meanwhile, Trevor was lying on the ground, groaning in pain.
"Not much of a wh0re now, huh?" Tracy said, a cocky smile on her face.
"Let's go," I said. Tracy swiftly turned around, flipping her perfect blonde ponytail over her shoulder, me beside her. But I was still worried.
If Trevor was willing to hurt us, what would he do next?

Author's Note
Short and sweet. oh my gawrsh how violent of me to write this. Trevor sucks. Which is sad because I love the name Trevor. And if I name my kid Trevor well tht would be awkward, wouldn't it. Comment if you wanna be notifed, and btw I'll notify you for the whole story unless you ask me to stop. Don't worry, I won't be offened. Do me a favor and TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. 
Love my readers!


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Summer of Dreams Chapter 11 The next day, Tracy and I decided

2 faves · 2 comments · Jul 19, 2012 11:58pm






sophee · 1 decade ago
omg i love this story and i am scared now i have read all of them its so good notify me 4 all the chapters good job on the story!!!:)
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ErinRAWR · 1 decade ago
omg im so scared D;
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