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Imagine #1~~~Niall
You're sitting down inside a Nando's all alone. It's super busy and all the tables are completly full except the one you're seated at. You're starving and didn't mind coming alone because of that. All of a sudden Niall Horan sits down in front of you, hiding the scream that wants to escape your throat, you listen to his phenomeniall Irish accent. "All the other seats are taken. I'm Niall, do you mind if i sit here?" Not being able to speak you just nod then look at his plate which is stocked high with food. Burgers, fries, chiken and LOTS more. He catches your glance and laughs. "It's a lot I know. I haven't seen a girl eat that much!" Looking at your plate you just laugh. You guys ate you'r food and you of course finished first. Still hungry you eyed Nialls food. He didn't hesitate and ofered you some of his remaining fries. You shared what he had left. After a long time at Nando's you and Niall walk to your house and chat. You're comfortable with him now and you guys both have a lot in common. When you're at your door, Niall passes you a napkin with his number, after that he looks straight into your eyes. And the glance doesn't break as he leans down to your ear and whispers "I'm no Harry. I don't know a lot about romance. But i do know you're the most beautiful being i've ever seen.
Fave for me to make a series! Love y'all, thanks for reading!

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Imagine #1~~~Niall You're sitting down inside a Nando's

9 faves · Jul 19, 2012 9:17pm






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