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Story Ideas
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Please don't steal these... All of them are my ideas. If you want to use one, please ask first and I might let you. 
In Make-up or Break-up, learn about the on-off relationship between Josh and Hailey. They love each other, really... But that's what seems to be the problem when new girl Jennie enters the picture. Hailey thinks she's got competition with the shy, quiet, and unbelievably gorgeous Jennie Marin. But what she doesn't realize is that Josh doesn't have eyes for anyone but her. When Hailey's jealousy causes another break-up, will this be the final straw for Josh? Or will he come back to Hailey yet again?
Elaina and Cassey are - well, were - best friends, until Elaina made the worst mistake of her life. She hurt Cassey so badly that she dropped out of school for two years. Now it's fall, and Cassey is back for high school. Elaina tried desperately to make Cassey understand that she's sorry. But the words mean nothing to Cassey. Will Elaina make it up to her old best friend, or have they grown apart for good? Find out in The Words That Mean Nothing.
Camilla has never been in the same school for longer than a year. She's been moving all around the country for her mom's job - well, jobs. Camilla's mom, Ellen, can't seem to hold a job now that her husband has left. This time they're going to Connecticut. Camilla is sure she's going to hate the East Coast, especially after spending 8 months in Southern California. But surprisingly, she loves it. So when Ellen loses another job and is called out to Wisconsin, Camilla has to make a choice. She can leave the only place she's ever wanted to call home, or she can spend 2 years with a foster family until she's old enough to live on her own. Camilla really wants to Stay Awhile, but can she do it if it means leaving her mom?
In Special, twins Cassi and Connor learn just how important it is that they stick together. The two have always gotten along perfectly and been practically inseparable. They do everything together, from band to soccer to summer camp. Then one day something terrible happens, and Cassi slips into a coma. Three long, agonizing, painful months go by, and Cassi's still asleep. Connor blames himself. If he'd just been with her... he could have protected her. When the doctors start talking about taking Cassi off life support, Connor is hysterical. He never leaves her side. He won't let Cassi go. Will Cassi make it through? Find out in Special.
Rae and Janie are best friends, and extremely talented actresses. They always play the lead roles in the school play, and they take acting classes after school. Acting is what brought them together - but will it also be what breaks them apart? When Janie gets the offer to go big-screen, she doesn't know what to do. Taking the offer means losing Rae. She can have All or Nothing, according to the director who wants her. To Janie, Rae is all, but so is the movie. Does she take her shot, or hang back for Rae? What exactly is all, and what is nothing?
The treehouse in the woods between Paige & Adam's houses had been there for years, even before they were born. Throughout the years, it had been used as a house, a school, and much more by four friends Paige, Adam, Liam, and Kellie. Now it's Paige's Sweet Sixteen, and some friends have discovered the treehouse. Paige hadn't been up there in years, but the four of them climbed up with a couple friends, to find that apparently the treehouse wasn't just their secret. Why was there food, a sleeping bag, and binoculars up there? Who else knew about The View From The Treehouse?



 Comment which ones you think I should write! 
(The underlined part of each is the title)

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Story Ideas What ones do you like? Please don't steal these...

2 faves · Jul 18, 2012 9:30am






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