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I'll mouth, ''I love you.'' 

Chapter 2
Part one


That dreaded day came, the day that I'd be sent away. I felt like I had done something illegal to make my parents want to send me away. ''I am going to miss you so much! Text me and I'll come and visit when I can,'' Emilee said, hoarsely. I smiled and kissed her cheek, waving to her and getting into the car. My father was sitting in the drivers seat and my mother in the passenger seat. I slid into the seat and looked out the window. My parents didn't say a word for the whole drive which was about two to three hours. Once we got there my mother knocked on the door. The house was two story and white, it had picket fences but the nearest neighbour was a kilometre away. The land around it was huge. 

''Oh, Zoey! I haven't seen you in a while,'' the lady who opened the door gushed. 

''I know, Sophia, I know. Avalaya this is Sophia Roberts. I don't know if you remember her, we haven't seen each other in ten years!'' 

''Ah, Avalaya, you've grown into such a beautiful girl,'' Mrs Roberts said. I smiled, weakly. 

''Zoey! We have got to go,'' my dad huffed. It was obvious he didn't want to be there. 

''Oh, you can't stay for dinner?'' Mrs Roberts asked. 

''No, I'm afraid not. Bye Sophia, it was nice seeing you again. Avalaya, please be good. We'll come and see you in a month or so. Don't forget your father and I love you very much but we just can't handle this!'' Oh, the things I would say if I wasn't mute! 

''Bye Avalaya,'' my dad spoke. I waved as they started walking, leaving me with at a strangers house, my bags at my feat. 

''Come in, sweetie. I've got a son, your age. When you go to school, you'll be in the same year and I'm sure you'll get along very well. He was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago to meet you… I don't know where he'd be… probably with one of those skanks- oh my sorry about my language,'' she rambled. ''Come with me,'' she instructed. I followed Mrs Roberts up to a room. She opened the door to reveal a room with one purple wall and the rest where a creamy colour. The bed spread was grey and there were heaps of different types of pillows. There was a desk against one of the cream walls and a mirror on the other side of the room. There was a walk in cupboard and another door, I wasn't sure what it was for. ''Thats the bathroom,'' she opened the door. There was another door at the other end. ''That's my sons room, I hope you do not mind sharing a bathroom with him? You can lock the door of course.'' I shook my head and hopefully she'd understand that I didn't mind. There was a loud noise down stairs and Mrs Roberts hurried down. I followed after her. 



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I'll mouth, ''I love you.'' Chapter 2 Part

152 faves · 2 comments · Jul 15, 2012 9:14pm






Sonny84 · 1 decade ago
hey i LOVE your story and I was reading it on your profile but i was wondering if you could change you background? its a little distracting
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MarissaLovesYou · 1 decade ago
LOL. "Probably with one of those skanks." Perfect.! REMINDER PLEASE!
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