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Who Are You?

Chapter 12

"Stupid girl. Hiding secrets from me. I hate her. I hate...her. Ugh." I sit there mumbling as I try to find some food. Okay, truth is I was afraid to go home because I knew Olivia would be there waiting. I wanted to avoid her as much as possible. So, I made my new "home" more comfortable. It's been 4 days since I first came to that box I call home now. It wasn't much, but at least I was alone. Away from reality.

Finally, I found a can of peas outside a fancy resturant. I look through the window to see high-class people eating. I envy them. I loathe them. They eat whenever they want while I'm lucky to get a sliver of food. I carry the can back.

I try to start a fire to cook the can of peas I found in the street, when I hear, "Xavier, I'm sorry." I glance behind me to see...."Not you again!"

"Please, I'm sorry."
"Get away from me Jason!"
"I want to help you! Get you home! Without Olivia finding you. I promise. Let me help you. It'll make up for how crappy I was to you."

I had a mini debate on whether I should trust him or not. My mind was coming up with all these senarios of what could happen.

"Xavier, which is it?"
"I choose..."


(Comments, concerns, complaints, compliments? Sweet. There will be no spolier Alert, because...you guys get to choose whether he goes or not! I'll make a quote ya'll can comment on. Majority rule will apply. Until then, bye! Oh, and sorry it was short. Cliff hangers are worth it!)

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Who Are You? Chapter 12 "Stupid girl. Hiding secrets from

2 faves · 1 comments · Jul 13, 2012 3:37pm






talkactivegirly125 · 1 decade ago
Make him goo!!
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