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Izzy Life
Chapter 13


I didn't have the heart to tell Sam about Dez. I smiled and went to my locker which was across the hall from sam's and inbetween Jordan and Evan. I put my bag and hoody in my locker then slipped my phone in my jean pocket and put in my ipod headphones and walked down the hallway to home room. I looked at my schedule n realized i didn have free period with Sam I frowned and walked into home room then Mr.Dennon said something I just pulled out my notebook and started to draw Mr.Dennon kept talking then he pulled ou my headphones Isabella office NOW I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I pulled the door so fast that it slammed closed. I heard foot steps but ignored them and then I heard Sam Izzy I stopped and spun on my heel hmm?  wow Izzy first day and you get sent to the office I felt a smile dance across my lips. He ran his hand threw his hair and kissed my cheek and walked away. I sighed and walked toward the lockers and started banging on them to make music. I got yelled at but didn't care I banged on the door to the office before walking in and sitting. I tapped my pen on the table while the princible was on the phone. She came out and dragged me to her office by my arm. I was swung into a chair and I wrote down Damen's number and she called him oh JOY!!

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Format by fadesandformats:) Izzy Life Chapter 13 I didn't

2 faves · Jul 5, 2012 9:11pm






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