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The Stolen
Chapter 1:
"Goodnight, mom. Goodnight, dad." I yelled as I dragged myself upstairs,

and into my room. I was exhausted from

not sleeping for 2 days. I walked in to my bedroom, and plopped on

my single bed off to the left. I crawled under my

striped blanket, and curled up in a ball. I stared at my clock for what seemed to

be hours, but was really only minutes before 

I fell asleep. It seemed like a normal night, but for the past few weeks,

everything had felt kinda strange. Like someone

was taking notes on my every move. I was positive

I was being followed, but I thought I was going kinda crazy. I didn't tell anyone

though, because they already think I'm crazy,

because I was caught cutting one time (after what I thought was the

love of my life left me, but I'm done with it now),

and after I was caught looking up crime scene photos of murders, and suicides (which I

only did, because I got bored, and seeing their reactions were priceless.

Plus it made them think I was thinking of

killing myself.) I woke up the next morning from the wind giving me

goose bumps. Then I realized that I didn't leave my

window open. I began to observe my surroundings, and

realized that none of this was in my bedroom.

I sat up slowly, and saw a dirt road. I was sitting on the side of the road in

the middle of nowhere..

Let me know your thoughts. I already have
a ton of chapters ready to be added, but I got to
remember to keep writing. Comment on my profile if
you want to be notified when a new chapter comes out.


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The Stolen Chapter 1: "Goodnight, mom. Goodnight, dad."

6 faves · Jul 2, 2012 9:20pm






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