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JusA Kiss
Chapter 10 
Victoria's P.O.V.
When I got to Ash's room, I noticed her on the hospital bed with her leg and arm in a cast. To make it worse, she had a concussion.
I looked at her mom and she read my eyes perfectly, "She was rock climbing with Sabrina and she fell off. Her harness wasn't put on properly so she just completely dropped."
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed worriedly, and gave a quick smile to Sabrina who was staring at me.
I looked back at Ash and took a seat. I was going to stay with her until she "woke up." It was 3 in the morning when I noticed her eyes fluttering, she was about to wake up. Her mom stood over, getting the doctors to come.
"What... what happened?" Ash said in a low, mumbly voice.
Sophie's P.O.V.
I pulled Hunter onto the grass outside so we could sit and talk, "I'm really sorry," I said pretending to have sympathy.
He didn't reply, but just stared into space. I started to feel bad, maybe I shouldn't have done that, but it was to late, and she deserved her revenge.
Victoria's P.O.V.
We were all rushed out of the room and were forced to sit for another hour. Finally the nurse popped her head out of the door and said, "You can all come in now."
I slowly got up, and walked in.
"Ash! Are you okay!" We all said, practically at once.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied.
"Victoria, how'd it go with Hunter?"
"I didn't tell him, I was about to but then you had your accident," I said looking down.
"I'm so sorry!"
"Ash, don't feel sorry for me, I'm not the one with 2 broken bones that just woke up from a concussion," I smiled at her even though the pain was killing me inside. What if Sophie had told?


AUTHORS NOTE: Chapter 11 part 1&2 will be posted tomorrow morning and chapter 12, the last chapter, will be posted in the afternoon. I really really hope you like my story and thanks for all the feedback. My next story is going to be called Dream Catcher and will be posted in a few days!! Thank you and if you would like to be notified for Dream Catcher, please comment!! Love you all

format credit: wordsofagirl

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Just A Kiss Chapter 10 Victoria's P.O.V. When I got to Ash's

34 faves · 3 comments · Jul 2, 2012 7:39pm



elysey happy witty anniversary!



_LiveLike_YourDying_ · 1 decade ago
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ChikinNewdleMallerzz · 1 decade ago
Can you please notify me for Dream Catcher, and the rest of Just A Kiss? I'm a little late, haha but I really love it so far! :)
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lynskywalker · 1 decade ago
Can you notify me for dream catcher? :) love your story bby the way
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