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To: 'Him'
I dont know if its killing you as much as its killing me not having you in my life anymore, not texting for at least 10 hours non-stop at a time, or the really cute convo's that made my heart melt. It hurts me admitting this, ESPECIALLY to you but I NEED to know if you feel the same way. If you meant half of the stuff that you sent to me you would. Were you just in the mood for a game, or did you genuinely mean it when you said that you liked me ? SEND CANCEL its always cancel, i can never find the strength to click send..</3
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To: 'Him' I dont know if its killing you as much as its

8 faves · 2 comments · Jul 2, 2012 12:26am





break up

shattered24 · 1 decade ago
and it kills me:'(
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basketballchickkforeveer1 · 1 decade ago
Don't worry. I can't either.
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