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Can you please go too this page freetexthost.com/bpddt20rvw it's very, very short but I need feedback on if anybody would read the story or not? When I write a new chapter, i'll post it here and if you want too be notified, I can notify you. I know it's confusing and horrible and doesn't describe the plot but if you could quickly take a look, so I can get some feedback?

Thanks x
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Can you please go too this page freetexthost.com/bpddt20rvw it's

0 faves · 2 comments · Jul 1, 2012 4:42pm






Keep_Your_Head_High_the_Sun_Will_Shine · 1 decade ago
yeah if you notify i'll read that(:
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ilovechu5 · 1 decade ago
I'd read it :) it sounds good so far
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