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Big shout out to all of you girls with a broken heart:
Ive cried the tears, lost the sleep, sat in shock, wondered where i went wrong, and felt the pain of losing the guy who was never mine. I know how it feels to wonder if you will ever be able to love again. I know what its like to keep everything inside because you hope that its just all a bad dream and once you say it out loud it becomes real. People constantly tell you " it will get better " and " things will be alright again " but you dont believe it. How could you? They dont know how it feels but i do. and you're probably looking for assurance that things will get better. Well, this is it, ive found out for myself that it really DOES get better. You havee to remind yourself that you deserve better because if you didnt you wouldnt be in this postition. Know this: You are so beautiful and God is always there for you. SO, keep your head up girl, Be stronger than whats trying to bring you down. And trust me, once ou find it in your heart to forgive the one who did you wrong, you will feel so free.
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Big shout out to all of you girls with a broken heart: Ive cried

4 faves · Jun 28, 2012 10:42pm






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