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Hi my name is Allison.
I'm the girl in school that everyone just wants to ignore.
I liked someone named Lucas, he was somewhat popular. (well compared to me)
I asked him out... I said after I understand if you say no other girls are prettier, skinnier if I were you I wouldn't choose me either...
He surprisingly said yes. I was shocked.
I went home and screamed into my pillow of joy.
I got my To Do List and scratched off the below.
Do the butterfly project.
I threw away the paper. My mom eventually read it. She sat me down and said, " Is this list about me and your fathers divorce?"
I said no.
Then she asked what it was about. I said school, no one liking me or talking to me.
She said why you have friends. I responded right away and said , yeah two big woop.
But mom I'm fine now I'm happy, because Lucas said yes. To what? She asked.
I asked him out we are dating now! Aw honey I'm soo happy for you, but don't get your hopes up some guys are jerks like that ok? I said ok and she left my room.
I went on my computer to see if Lucas was on Facebook, he was I said, "Hey." He responded, " Hey baby. <3 " I asked him if he was happy that tomorrow was the last day of school. He said yeah. It was our last year of High School I thought.
The next day I wore something less me but I was happy on what I wore. I wore a red strapless shirt with a black short-sleeved sweater and jean shorts above my knees with black and red striped flats. I felt soo proud everyone decided to talk to me that day just because of what I wore. I thought that was stupid so I decided to mix my new look and old look for college.
It turns out me and Lucas went to the same college and we got married had to kids named Lucy and Larry. And we lived Happily Ever After like a Cinderella story.


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Hi my name is Allison. I'm the girl in school that everyone

0 faves · Jun 28, 2012 5:49pm




