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I have Cancer.  I don't have a boyfriend. I have no friends. Instead of going to get help or spending the very little time I might have with my family or going to be social, I'm going to do more important things like sit on witty and make pity quotes complaining about my condition and how I'm going to be forever alone at such a young age while I fave everything that has to do with One Directions and then complain because no one in the band will ever want to be with me. I might even throw in how no one will bother reading this quote because theres no pazzaz to it.

Great idea.

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HI I have Cancer. I don't have a boyfriend. I have no friends.

2 faves · 1 comments · Jun 27, 2012 8:54pm






Jessileigh143xx · 1 decade ago
maybee some people just want the support from someone their age , someone who can understand them more than their family can .
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